ClarisWorks doesn't seem to understand receiving both folder data and text data at the same time. You can use Copy and Paste to get your data into Clarisworks. I mostly use 'Stickies' to see if I'm doing the drag programming right, and only at a late stage figured out that Clarisworks was unhappy.
• Dragging "Desktop Folder"
Where's the Waste will NOT drag "Desktop Folder" or "Trash" or "Temporary Items". The Finder gets really upset if you do so. If you want the information about those items, use copy and paste (as in the old days :-).
• ISO-9660 CD's
You know, those CD's that run on Windows and our beloved Macs, but are slow as molasses… Well, those CD's don't have total files count information on them, so the progress bar will not work properly. Everything else works fine though.
Future directions of "Where's the Waste?"
• Grayscale appearance, conform Apple's newest specifications, maybe let a graphics artist work on it a bit, maybe I've gone overboard with the yellow LED bar. :-)
• Finetuning, to decrease memory use, and increase speed.
• Keeping track of folder parents, so that a change in one folder (via DropStuff for instance) immediately recalculates the affected parent folders.
• A 'dock' for the users favorite compression utility. This would be an empty location for an icon in the main window, on which you can drag your DropStuff, or Compact Pro or whatever. Afterwards, you can just drag your selected folders there to be compressed.